Friday, November 5, 2010

PA Senate Republicans to Take the Offensive

Republicans in the Pennsylvania Senate maintained a 30-20 advantage over Democrats on Tuesday. But the election will fundamentally change the way Republicans operate in the upper chamber.
As Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi puts it, his caucus has been playing defense against the House and governor since Democrats took control of the lower chamber in 2007.
Now, Pileggi says the Senate will work with, instead of against, the governor’s office and House.

"Instead of working primarily to counter the orientation of the last administration and the House leadership over the last four years, we will be more on offense, more advancing an agenda."

Pileggi joins likely House Speaker Sam Smith in promising to cut taxes, relax business regulations and shrink the state budget....essentially a smaller state government footprint.
He also wants to push through several reform bills that passed the Senate but stalled in the House this year.
Pileggi is also predicting on-time budgets, for the first time since before Governor Rendell took office.
He expects the Corbett Administration will work with House and Senate Republican leaders to put together a budget plan, which will be introduced a few weeks after Governor-elect Corbett takes office next year.

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