Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Group Holds "Rally to Save AdultBasic"

In response to AdultBasic's funding shortfall the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN) is hosting a rally for those who may lose coverage. AdultBasic, the state health care program, was funded by contributions from the state's tobacco settlement and the four Blue Cross/Blue Shield providers in Pennsylvania, but a revenue source hasn't been agreed to for 2011 onward.

Erin Gill, the Western Pennsylvania Organizer for PHAN, says that people on AdultBasic need that coverage. "AdultBasic covers folks with incomes up to 200% of the federal poverty level, for an individual that's around $21,600 so those are lower income working people. It's insanely expensive to go out and buy insurance on your own, especially if you can't get it on the job. It's just a real bad situation."

Gill says that without funding the 43,000 Pennsylvanians on AdultBasic could find themselves without insurance. The rally will be held at 5:30 at the New Hope United Methodist Church on North Avenue.

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