Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Salvation Army Sets Up for Holidays

The Salvation Army is working with new technologies to meet its 2.5 million dollar donation goal for this holiday season. Sandra Jackson, the organization's Allegheny County Coordinator, says that the Salvation Army is no longer relying only on red kettles to collect from the public. She says that those looking to donate can also go through their website or text GIVE to 85944 to make $10 donation that will appear on their phone bill.

Jackson says that while donations rise around the holiday season there is worry about fewer donations due to the cold. "The shoppers are out there but they scurry on past because it is cold and they want to get back to their cars or into the shopping area."

Jackson says that there is still time for people to donate. She says that even though some may think only big donations can count, donations of all sizes help bring them closer to their goal.

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