Friday, February 4, 2011

March to Support Egyptian Uprising

Supporters of the political uprising in Egypt will march through Oakland this Saturday to raise awareness and spark discussion of the situation.

Chatham University global policy major Justine Sumrok organized the event. She says the march will bring together organizations like the Students for a Democratic Society, Students for Justice in Palestine, the Industrial Workers of the World and more.

Sumrok says the marchers will also demand the Obama administration stop financial and military aid to the current Egyptian government, led by President Hasni Mubarak.

Sumrok says she saw why the Egyptians are protesting when she studied in a poor area of Egypt last summer.

“These people suffered daily indignation at the hands of the police, which [is] one of the only forces still loyal to Mubarak. Witnessing the economic injustice, the level of unemployment, the complete lack of public service… I think them banding together and making a move towards democracy should always be supported.”

Sumrok says anyone who supports the uprising should join the march, which will begin at 1:00 p.m. Saturday at the University of Pittsburgh’s Posvar Hall.

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