Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reassessment on Time Despite Controversy

Officials say the Allegheny County property reassessment is on schedule and should be finished by January of 2012.

Despite County Council’s efforts to block the property reassessment, the process itself remains timely. That’s according to County Director of Administration Tim Johnson, who says his group is almost finished collecting data from the county’s 570,000 properties – which is the bulk of the work.

"The next phase, we're looking at more of the modeling of neighborhoods and cost calibration and valuing land and whatnot, and much of that is research-based and moves much more quickly."

The “data collection phase” began early in 2010 and figures to be finished in the next few months. Johnson says the County should be releasing preliminary property values by July. After a review process, final property values are scheduled for release next January.

Members of County Council have asked Governor Tom Corbett and the legislature to stop the reassessment, saying it’s unfair to single out Allegheny County when other counties use old data.

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