Friday, April 8, 2011

CCAC Freezes Administrative Hiring

Faced with a proposed 10% cut in state funding, the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) is reducing spending in the current fiscal year. CCAC President Alex Johnson has announced a hiring freeze affecting nonunion administrative positions funded through the regular operating budget. Johnson noted there are 2 exceptions to the freeze: the open director and assistant director of Safety & Security positions at the Allegheny Campus on Pittsburgh's North Side, which will be filled to maintain a high level of campus safety. Johnson also asked all budget leaders to curtain non-essential spending for the remainder of the the fiscal year which ends June 30.... "I hope that the proposed cuts to community colleges and all of higher education are withdrawn. However, we must still prepare for the future assuming that the cuts become reality. These measures are prudent to ensure that CCAC ends the current fiscal year on solid financial footing." In addition to the proposed 10% reduction in appropriations for the community colleges, Governor Tom Corbett plans to cut by 50% funding for the 14 state-owned and 4 state-related universities including Pitt. Johnson said while they are taking steps to reduce expenses, they already have a lean budget..."We will strive to maintain academic excellence as well as an affordable education."

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