Saturday, May 7, 2011

Another Proposed Tax on Marcellus Shale Gas

To offset Governor Tom Corbett's proposed billion dollars cut in state education funding, Democratic State Senator James Brewster is proposing a 7% tax on the market value of gas taken from the Marcellus Shale formation. Brewster estimates that would generate about $280 million annually, half of which would be designated for education.
25% of the revenues would go to pay for local government services and the remainder for environmental protection and response.
There are at least three other Democratic bills for a shale tax and a proposal by Senate President Pro Tem Joe Scarnati for an impact fee with the revenues going to counties and municipalities where the drilling takes place.
Governor Corbett has said repeatedly he would veto a Marcellus Shale tax but has not ruled out approving an impact fee.

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