Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Susan Corbett Wants Arts Funds Restored to Budget

Susan Corbett, Chairwoman of the Pennsylvania Council for the Arts and First Lady of the Commonwealth wants money restored to the state budget.

According to newspapers, the House Appropriations Committee cut funds for the Pennsylvania Council for the Arts from the governor's proposed budget. According to Susan Corbett, speaking at the Arts Council Annual Meeting on Wednesday morning, Tom Corbett had left the arts funding in this year's budget the same as last years. But the money that the House Committee cut, approximately $6 million dollars is mostly in administrative costs. The arts are currently funded at $8.2 million dollars.

"This reduction in funding is pretty shocking and actually takes the level of funding back to 1979, 1980 levels of funding. Which means we just lost 30 years of advocacy for the arts," she said at the meeting.

Corbett says that money pays off in people's quality of life.

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