Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Boulevard Bridge Closes Jan. 3

The Boulevard of the Allies bridge in Oakland will close tomorrow night at 11 for construction. PennDOT is dismantling and replacing the deteriorated bridge. The project is expected to last into November.

The project will also affect the section of Forbes Avenue that goes under the Boulevard bridge. Forbes Avenue will close this weekend to allow demolition to begin. Forbes Avenue will be open the weekend of January 12, but is scheduled to close again the following weekend. In late April, Forbes Avenue will also be reduced to a single lane for about four months.

PennDOT says most motorists will be able to get around the Boulevard construction by using Forbes and Fifth Avenues. During the times Forbes is closed, the primary detour will be the Parkway East. More information is available on PennDOT's website and through the Oakland Transportation Management Association.

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