Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Controller Michael Lamb Takes oath of office

The last Allegheny County Prothonotary has crossed the hall in the city county building and has become the newest Pittsburgh controller. Michael Lamb was sworn in Monday. After welcoming all the dignitaries in the room and thanking his supporters Michael Lamb promised to bring integrity back to the Controller’s office and return to the basics of auditing every department at least once every four years. He says he is not sure what he will find but he thinks having someone look at the numbers on a regular basis will be good for the health of the city. Lamb plans to make looking at workman’s comp claims a priority. He says most payments go to fire fighters and maybe there is a training or rehabilitation issue that needs to be addressed. Staffing levels in the controller’s office have been the subject of recent court battles but Lamb says he will work with what he has to get the job done.

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