Monday, February 25, 2008

New Director Named for Natural History Museum

Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh named Samuel McElroy Taylor, Ph.D., the new director of the Museum of Natural History today.
Taylor has spent his career working with science-based museums across the country, including the California Academy of Science, and American Museum of Natural History in New York. His first job was as a Program Specialist for the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, and he says he's glad to come back. While he's sometimes envied his colleagues that didn't bounce around different institutions, he says that experience gives him the perspective and confidence to step into the director role and know that it's where he wants to be right now. He says the great thing about the Carnegie Museums are their collections, and he wants to make them more visible during his time here to enhance education.
Taylor takes the place of Billie DeWalt, who left the position after 6 years to help found a new museum for musical instruments in Phoenix, Arizona. Zhe-Xi Luo and Dave Smith have been acting Co-Directors since DeWalt left in January, 2007. Taylor will begin work from the Director's office April of this year.

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