Friday, March 28, 2008

Barack Obama Begins State Tour in Oakland

Wildly cheering supporters filled Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall this morning for Barack Obama's first campaign appearance in Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey, who endorsed Obama at the event, called him the one person uniquely qualified to lead the country in a new direction.

Sen. Barack Obama told the crowd they're going to have to work very hard to help him win Pennsylvania and then set out policies he advocates: helping people avoid foreclosure, job creation and retention, fair trade, health care for all, clean energy, infrastructure investment, improved education and closing the achievement gap. Obama said his most important task as president would be protecting Americans, and he wouldn't hesitate to strike those who would harm us. He said he not only wants to end the Iraq War, but the mindset that got us into it and says we need to use the power of diplomacy by talking to those with whom we disagree.

Obama says special interest money in politics is the reason America's problems are not being solved, and his campaign, which does not accept donations from political action committees or federal lobbyists, proves his presidency could change the way things are done.

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