Friday, March 14, 2008

"Cat Sanctuary" More a "Death Camp"

Law enforcement officials and members of the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals raided Tiger Ranch in Frazer township yesterday, finding more than 600 cats living in deplorable conditions. The PSCPA collected nearly 200 of the cats yesterday, and are still trying today. Lisa Rodgers of the PSCPA says the smell of urine, feces, and cat spray were overpowering. The compound consists of what she says look like small one-story houses where the cats stay. Each contained only one litter box, and Rodgers says she can't say when they might have last been cleaned.
The PSCPA was alerted by neighbors of Tiger Ranch, who flew to Philadelphia with video evidence of dead cats laying around the compound. Rodgers says the cats were not medically cared for, and a PSCPA vet found that many had respiratory diseases.
Rodgers says a cat sanctuary can be a success, but only if it's properly cared for, and the owner of Tiger Ranch may have become overwhelmed by collecting too many cats. The owner is currently in custody, facing more than a dozen animal cruelty charges, with more probably on the way. The PSCPA re-opened a shelter in Clarion to temporarily house the cats.

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