Monday, March 17, 2008

Pennsylvania League of Young Voters Has New Leader

The Pennsylvania League of Young Voters has hired a new Executive Director. Liz Rincon comes to Pittsburgh from Memphis. She says she's been involved in politics since she was eight years old, when she volunteered for Bill Clinton's gubernatorial campaign in Arkansas. Most recently, she was Field Director for the campaign of Congressman Steve Cohen of Tennessee.

She says a turning point for her came in 2004, when she worked for the People for the American Way Foundation on election protection in the Florida panhandle. She says it angered her to see how poor people were being disenfranchised, and that motivated her to pursue voter protection further.

Rincon admits it's a busy time to join a voters' advocacy group. She will arrive in Pittsburgh March 22nd, exactly one month before Pennsylvania's primary election. She says she's used to being thrown into new situations, so she's ready to hit the ground running.

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