Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Lawmakers Discuss the Future of Mayview

A hearing tomorrow will focus on what will become of Mayview State Hospital. The mental health facility is expected to close later this year. State Senator Jim Ferlo of Highland Park says he understands that closing Mayview is expected to save money--but he wants to make sure that money will still be used on mental health services. Ferlo says he recalls people who were victimized when other state hospitals closed in the 1970s, and he wants to make sure that doesn't happen again. He's introduced a bill that would require those funds to be put into a new Mental Health Community Services Account rather than deposited into the general fund. A similar bill has already been introduced in the House.

Ferlo says a working group is currently looking at future uses for the Mayview site in Bridgeville. Part of it could be used for parkland.

Tomorrow's hearing of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee will begin at 10 AM in Pittsburgh City Council Chambers.

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