Friday, April 25, 2008

More murals on the way in Alleghney County

The “Lives of Kids Community Mural Project is ready to launch another year of making public art in some of the county’s most needy communities. Last year the project painted murals along the East Busway and in several of the communities the busway touches. This year they hope to expand to the Monvalley, the North Side and a few other locations. Local artists including children and county jail inmates are asked to submit ideas and the best works are paired with community leaders to be painted on walls. Organizer and artists Kyle Holbrook says the murals brighten the communities and makes them more livable. He says it also helps to bring together kids from different neighborhoods as friends rather than enemies. Allegheny County Jail Warden Ramon Rustin says it is also important for the former offenders involved to find work and a connection with the community as they leave are leaving the facility.

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