Thursday, April 17, 2008

National Health Council gathers in Pittsburgh

As the Pennsylvania primary approaches the National Health Council held a small gathering in Pittsburgh in an effort to encourage elected officials to look for solutions to the health care crisis rather than just rhetoric. The council is made up of more than 40 nonprofit organizations all working to promote different health issues from autism to arthritis. Organizers feel by coming together they council will have a stronger voice on capital hill than visits from each individual organization. Dr. Rock Hyman is the director of the UPMC multiple sclerosis center. He says many patients he sees can not get insurance companies to cover the medications and other therapies they need so they windup allowing their illness to progress to the point where they have accidents or other preventable health problems which actually cost insurance companies more in the long run. Other speakers talked of the need to be able to be covered even if they have preexisting conditions or loose their jobs. The council has made stops in other key primary states including Ohio and New Hampshire.

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