Monday, April 28, 2008

New plan for downtown buildings

The Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation has inked a deal to preserve the outside of a several buildings near the new PNC building downtown while development of the building interiors continues. In a complicated purchase and swap plan involving the city, the Urban Redevelopment Authority and N&P Properties the foundation will develop a few low-rise buildings on the corner of Market St. and Fifth Ave. while at the same time aquiring the right to preserve the façade of another building on that corner in perpetuity. This portion of market street links market square with fifth avenue right where the new park is being built as part of the PNC skyscraper. The buildings will feature retail on the first floor and residential above. PPG has created a special color palate for use on some of the buildings. One is covered with blue and ivory colored terracotta that dates back to 1928. Duquesne light is getting involved with a façade lighting project to highlight the architecture.

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