Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Stabilization Begins at Kilbuck Twp. Slide Site

Wal-Mart begins to rebuild the hillside their development caused to slide onto Route 65 and beyond this week. The 2-phase approach will be overseen by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP). The first phase will repack the land that left the hillside, mostly on the northern slope of the development site. Testing during that phase will help the engineers determine what, more specifically, is needed for the second phase. The whole project is scheduled for completion in 2009, but PA DEP spokesperson Helen Humphreys says they're working to make sure another slide won't happen, and that may take longer than some may like. Once completed, Wal-Mart proposes a green space for the site. Humphreys says there are no further applications for development, and no more are expected.

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