Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tax Credit Program Marks Seventh Anniversary

A celebration at the state Capitol today marked the seventh anniversary of Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit program. The program offers tax credits to businesses that help fund scholarships or innovative educational programs. Pennsylvania was the first state to create this kind of tax credit.

The Harrisburg-based REACH Foundation led today’s celebration. The organization supports school choice in Pennsylvania and was involved in the creation of the EITC.

Organizations in the Pittsburgh area that benefit from the EITC include:
The Crossroads Foundation, which provides educational support services and tuition aid for Pittsburgh-area students to attend Catholic schools. The EITC program provided Crossroads with about 40% of its revenue in fiscal year 2004.

Asset (Achieving Student Success through Excellence in Teaching), which provides supplemental materials to schools to encourage better teaching methods and more hands-on learning.

The Fund for the Advancement of Minorities through Education (FAME), a scholarship program that helps minorities attend private schools and get internships.

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