Thursday, June 12, 2008

Peduto: Schenley Can Be Saved

Pittsburgh City Councilman Bill Peduto announced his plan that could potentially save Schenely High School from closing. Pittsburgh Schools Superintendent Mark Roosevelt says 5 different studies estimate the cost of renovations to be $76 million dollars, and since the district cannot afford it, he recommends closing the high school. Peduto suggests the old Reizenstein school building be sold for around $15 million dollars and developed into a residential area. Councilman Peduto who represents Schenley and Reizenstein's district, says that the residents want that area to be developed residentially. His plan suggests that the $15 million would then become a part of the $40 million renovations that Schenley needs through a "design-build-lease" financing project. This means that the high school would be leased to a private firm which would finance the renovations, and then be leased back to the district which would continue to pay the firm until the building expenses are repaid. The plan was submitted to Pittsburgh Public Schools superintendent and the school board for consideration.

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