Friday, June 6, 2008

Port Authority Gets Bids for North Shore T Station

The Port Authority of Allegheny County received four bids for the new Allegheny T Station on the North Shore ranging from $39 to $42 million. Although a contract will therefore exceed the original estimate of $30 million by about 30%, it could have been worse, according to Winston Simmonds, Rail Operations and Engineering Officer. Concrete and fuel prices are up, he says, and fabricated steel is 50% more costly this year.

Simmonds says the Port Authority is trying to mitigate costs in any way possible, e.g., by allowing a concrete alternative (to steel) for the Allegheny Station bid and by closing the Gateway Station completely during construction so the contractor can save money by having complete access.

The Port Authority will review the low bid of $39.8 million from Brayman Construction of Saxonburg, PA, along with a prior bid for the Gateway Station, with the goal of seeking board approval in July for awarding both contracts. Simmonds says the North Shore Connector will be a valuable regional asset, opening up opportunities for possible northward expansion in the future.

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