Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ferlo Rallies for Health Care

State Senator Jim Ferlo took part in a rally and anniversary party today as part of his ongoing effort to establish a single-payer health care program. Today is the 43rd anniversary of the passage of the federal Medicare program. The event at the Teamster’s Local 249 in Lawrenceville marked the anniversary and rallied in support of House Resolution 676. That resolution calls for the creation of a single-payer health care system. Ferlo says the Medicare program should be expanded to cover all Americans. He admits everyone would have to pay higher taxes, but he says we are already paying for coverage and through hidden societal costs, such as lost work time and bankruptcies. He says everyone would have to pay in, but everyone would be covered. Ferlo says problems with Medicare, like the Part D prescription drug program, need to be fixed before it is expanded. Ferlo says simply allowing the federal government to negotiate for the best rate possible for medications would bring huge savings.

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