Tuesday, July 29, 2008

No Timeline for Slots Licenses

Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato met with the executive director and top lawyer for the Pennsylvania gaming Control Board Tuesday morning but still do not know when there will be a decision on transferring the Pittsburgh slots licenses from Don Barden to Neil Bluhm. Don Barden’s PITG gaming and Neil Bluhm’s Walton Street Capital Group filed a joint application to transfer the licenses July 9th and filed the final papers Monday. Bluhm says he needs a decision this week or the banks may foreclose on the north shore construction sight. Gaming Control Board Acting Chief Counsel Doug Sherman says the board’s staff is reviewing the documents, and when they are fully vetted, a hearing will be set. Sherman would not put a timeline on the process, but says it will not be compromised for any reason, including a desire by the applicants, elected officials or creditors to expedite the process. Elected officials say they would like to see the process move as quickly as possible to get the facility open soon. If the licenses is revoked and re-bid it could take years compared to weeks to find a new owner.

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