Monday, July 14, 2008

Report: City Garbage Collection Cost an Unfair Price

A report released by the Allegheny Institute for Public Policy shows an inexplicable disparity between the price of garbage removal in the city of Pittsburgh, the price at which the city provides the service for Wilkinsburg, and the actual cost of garbage removal. The report indicates that through taxes, Pittsburgh city residents pay $202 per year for garbage removal while Wilkinsburg residents pay only $120. Therefore, in effect, city residents subsidize garbage removal in Wilkinsburg. Policy Analyst Eric Montarti questioned the disparity and the intentions behind it. He says that the city has shown an interest expanding its garbage removal services to other municipalities and could be using the low cost of Wilkinsburg to demonstrate its efficiency. He also said that he would like to see a cost accounting of garbage removal. The City Department of Refuse could not be reached for comment.

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