Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Residents Beware: Air Quality Action Day in Effect

The Allegheny County Health Department has declared today an Air Quality Action Day Code Orange for Ozone. This warning is the result of high temperatures and humidity coupled with high pollution levels. ACHD spokesman Guillermo Cole says that on hot, humid summer days, nitrogen oxide gas meets with hydrocarbons that have been released through pollution, and forms ozone. Ozone has been found to cause respiratory problems in the elderly, pregnant women, and those with respiratory diseases. The ACHD advises people to limit outdoor strenuous activity during the peak hours of summer heat. Cole also said that people can help prevent the formation of ozone by limiting driving, refueling, grass cutting, and power usage on these days. Cole also predicts that because of the weather forecast, the region will likely remain under the Air Quality Action Day Code Orange until at least Friday.

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