Tuesday, August 12, 2008

North Side United: History Shows Continental Will Deplete Area

Dozens of North Side United members, congregated on the corner of 8th Ave. and Amity St. in Homestead to protest an agreement between the Stadium Authority and Continental Development. Protesters gathered in Homestead to use the borough as an example of the devastation caused by Continental Development when it built the Waterfront. "There used to be businesses all along this street," says Homestead business owner Mike Stout, "now only three businesses are open."

North Side United Chairman Michael Glass feels the same could happen to the North Side unless a Community Benefits Agreement is signed. "A CBA is the only way to guarantee that they will fulfill their promises."

In light of strong opposition from the protest group as well as Pittsburgh City Council, the Stadium Authority recently passed a vote to sell the land between the two North Side Stadiums to Continental for about 8$ per square foot.

Glass says the deal is unfair because other land in that area has been sold for as much as $80 per square foot. Today also marked the release date for North Side United's "White Paper," a study on the effects that will be felt from Continental ownership of the North Side parcel.

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