Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pittsburgh Public Schools Superintendent Reacts To PSSA Results

With the state releasing it's results from the PSSA exams with it came the news of the Pittsburgh Public Schools not meeting Annual Yearly Progress (AYP). The district had to meet 96 requirement that ranged from participation in the test, to graduation rates, to minority and sub groups posting substantial gains. The district met 83 of it's targets.

With the district not meeting AYP for the second year they are classified as corrective action 2. This is the worst ranking in the No Child Left Behind Act. Superintendent Roosevelt is not worried about this ranking because through discussions with Department of Education Secretary Zahorchak he says the state realizes the strong gains the district has made in a majority of areas.
One area where the district did struggle was with 5th and 11th grade reading. They did not meet the standards for proficiency in those testing areas but will focus on them in the coming year.

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