Monday, September 29, 2008

Firings Draw Protests from Some North Siders

Some North Side residents say the staff members of their neighborhood group were unjustly fired. A new group called Concerned Members of the Central Northside Neighborhood Council is protesting outside tonight's Board of Directors meeting. CNNC's Executive Director and Community Organizer were fired last week.

In May, seven new CNNC Board members were elected on a platform to improve accountability. Instead, the Concerned Members say the new Board has voted against measures that would promote diversity and inclusiveness. One of those measures was an application for a tax credit that would allow the neighborhood to build 34 affordable rental units on sites scattered throughout the North Side. Meanwhile, the Concerned Members say the Board has approved more upscale housing. The Concerned Members also say they're concerned about recent opposition to the Salvation Army's efforts to provide more social services in the North Side.

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