Tuesday, September 2, 2008

PA Delegation at GOP Convention

The Republican National Convention gets back to normal today after a truncated version yesterday because of concerns over Hurricane Gustav striking the Gulf Coast. Pennsylvania's delegates and their colleagues from across the nation are to hear today from President Bush, via satellite from the White House, plus former Senator Fred Thompson and Senator Joe Lieberman, who 8 years ago was the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee.
Pennsylvania's 74 member delegation is composed of 61 elected directly by voters, 10 chosen by the Republican State Committee, the national committee man and national committee woman, and the chair of the Pennsylvania Republican Party. The chair is Robert Gleason, Jr. He says Pennsylvanians side with John McCain on many issues and that a lot of Hillary Clinton supporters will switch sides and vote Republican in November.
Geneva McKee is retired as Monroeville's tax collector. She's excited to take part in her first national convention. She says McCain has the right experience but it will take a lot of hard work to get the word out about McCain's positions on the issues.

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