Friday, September 5, 2008

Northside United files Lawsuit

Members of the Northside United group chanted, "This land is our land, its not yours! No secret meetings behind closed doors!" in front of the Pittsburgh City-County building this morning. The neighborhood group is filing suit against the Stadium Authority to block the sale of 2 parcels of land near Heinz Stadium on the North Shore. One tract would go to Continental Real Estate to build a Hyatt Hotel and the other tract to the Pittsburgh Steelers and Continental to build and amphitheater.
Northside United Co-Chairman Michael Glass said the land was sold for one-tenth of its assessed value. He said they are suing because the Stadium Authority Board violated the Sunshine Act because it did not publicize the meeting at which the sales were approved. Glass says the sale was also illegal because Continental's option on the land had expired. Northside United is trying to negate the deal but in the meantime is trying to negotiate a Community Benefits Agreement with Continental if the sale is upheld.

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