Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Point State Park Fountain Turned Pink

October 1st marks the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness month and as a way to kick it all off, the Point State Park fountain at the culmination of the three rivers was today turned pink, the familiar color of the Breast Cancer Coalition. The pink fountain event in the city was part of a state-wide movement in which fountains in Harrisburg and Erie were also turned pink. Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Commission for Women Leslie Stiles says she hopes the pink fountain will remind people of those women who died from breast cancer, those are fighting it currently, and those lives that will be saved in the future. A conference was held also across from Point State Park at the Riverwalk near Heinz Field. Much of the discussion there and for all of breast cancer awareness month focuses on education and encouraging regular testing. Currently breast cancer is the leading cancer among Pennsylvania women.

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