Monday, September 15, 2008

State Health Care group presents to state Republican caucus

The Health Care for all Pennsylvania group says with three million residents who are uninsured or are under insured, the state is in the midst of a health care crisis. The group is supporting a Pennsylvania House Bill, the Family and Business Health Care Security Act, to establish a single-payer health insurance program for state residents.

Its Executive Director Chuck Pennacchio says health care is a non-partisan issue. Democrats and Republicans alike want to find the best method to provide people with high quality health care that is also affordable.

Pennacchio says 31 percent of health care costs go to bureaucratic waste and inefficiencies. By changing the current health care system, the state will be able to create more jobs, cut taxes, cut auto insurance rates and lower medical malpractice insurance because all of these things are linked.

For more information about Health Care for all Pennsylvania and House Bill 1660, go to

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