Friday, September 12, 2008

Union Rejects Fact Finder Report

The president of the Amalgamated Transit Union local 85 says the terms of the fact finder’s report would set them back 50 years. Union President Pat McMahon says the three percent raise is not even enough to keep pace with inflation. He says making it even worse on the members’ budgets was the recommendation that they increase their contributions to healthcare premiums while reducing coverage. McMahon says the suggestion that union members reach age 60 and accumulate 30 years of service before retiring is a “Slap in the face.” He says his members know the next contract will not be as good for the members as the one that expired this summer but they are not willing to go this far “over night.” McMahon says he wants the riders to know that there are no plans for a strike at this time. He says he hopes the authority will enter into good faith negotiations. As long as there is progress he says he will keep the bussing running.

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