Monday, October 13, 2008

Peduto Reflects on Norway Trip

Pittsburgh Councilman Bill Peduto recently returned from a month-long visit to Norway. He says he learned a lot about alternative energy and believes some of what that country is doing may hold promise in Pittsburgh.

Peduto says Norway is already planning for shifting its energy portfolio once the country's supply of oil and natural gas is depleted. That's expected to happen in about 40 years. He says he met with scientists who are working on floating wind turbines that will be positioned in the north Atlantic Ocean, where oil rigs are now. He also says Norway no longer puts its garbage in landfills. The garbage is incinerated and used as a form of energy to supply electricity and heat.

Since his return, Peduto says he's met with State Representative Joe Preston about a project he tried to pursue years ago: using the Highland Park reservoir as a potential energy source.

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