Thursday, October 23, 2008

T-shirts in the Voting Booth Will Get Day in Court.

Commonwealth Court could weigh in next week on whether Pennsylvania voters should be allowed to wear campaign t-shirts while voting. Under state law, electioneering is prohibited inside a polling place - but policies on what constitute electioneering vary by county. Some allow buttons and stickers to be worn by voters while some allow nothing at all to pass through the doors while in other counties T-shirt and hats are fair game. In an attempt to clarify the apparel issue, the Department of State issued a memo last month recommending that buttons and T-shirts be permitted. Those recommendations prompted a lawsuit from two Allegheny poll workers who disagree. Department of State spokeswoman Rebecca Halton acknowledges that the upcoming court date of October 28th is very close to the election, but she says they are not worried about confusion on Election Day. The Pennsylvania ACLU petitioned the court to take part in the case but was rejected. A spokesman for that group says that poll workers should not be empowered to turn people away from the polls based on what they're wearing.

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