Monday, September 14, 2009

Casey to AFL-CIO Time to Act is Now

US Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania went before thousands of AFL-CIO members Monday in Pittsburgh at their annual convention and told them delay is not an option for healthcare reform and the employee free choice act. Casey says he understands why fellow senators, house members and the president all want to debate the employee free choice act but he does not want them to talk the bill to death. He says, “I know there are discussions, very serious discussions and negotiations and that’s a good thing but I hope that people in both parties don’t use that process to slow this down. We should pass the employee free choice act this year. In 2009. Don’t wait for 2010. Pass it this year.” Casey says the act is about protecting justice, choice and the middle class. The senator also told the convention that the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension committee has been as bipartisan during the healthcare reform debate and now is the time to act before anymore Americans are denied healthcare due to pre-existing conditions. Caroline Kennedy also spoke to the convention Monday. She praised her uncle Edward Kennedy and outgoing AFL-CIO President John Sweeney for their tireless efforts to provide healthcare to all Americans. She says now is the time for the next generation to step forward and take up the cause. President Barack Obama will speak to the convention Tuesday.

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