Friday, September 25, 2009

First Lady and Other Spouses to Tour CAPA

The Today Michelle Obama and other spouses of the G-20 Leaders will tour CAPA in downtown Pittsburgh and take in a student performance even though school isn't actually in session.
Today, she and other first spouses will tour the building and take in a student performance.
Of the school’s 860 students, 250 will be there today, doing their best to recreate a school day or what administrators call “in the moment learning.”
Melissa Pearlman is the school’s principal. She says selecting the students who will partake in today’s event was primarily dependent on academic and artistic excellence.
CAPA is a pre-professional arts training school in the city’s cultural district. It serves sixth through twelfth graders. A typical day consists of four hours of academic courses and three hours of work in the student’s major- whether that be instrumental or vocal music, dance, literary arts, visual arts, technical or musical theater. To get in, students audition or present a portfolio. The average GPA is a 3.2. reflecting the educational belief that artistic exploration and academic excellence go hand in hand. Ninety-nine percent of last year’s graduating class went on to college, many pursuing careers in the arts.
Principal Pearlman says they didn’t put in an application for a visit during the summit.
Because of the security perimeters, students and teachers are meeting at selected spots across the city to be escorted to CAPA in buses by the Secret Service and School Police officers.
The performances will all be pieces of classic American repertoire. Professional acts will also be a part of the show at the school.

Listen to the story here.

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