Tuesday, September 15, 2009

G20 Transportation Safety Plan

The Central Business District of downtown Pittsburgh will be closed to most vehicular traffic during the G20 Summit September 24 and 25. City, Allegheny County and state transportation and law enforcement officials today released the G20 Transportation Safety Plan. Only buses, taxis, delivery trucks, hotel shuttles and postal and parcel deliveries will be allowed. The restrictions will be in effect from river to river from the Point to Grant Street. People who live downtown will be able to drive in the restricted zone if they present a driver's license that shows a downtown address. Business district workers will be encouraged to park on the periphery and take public transit or walk into downtown. Pittsburgh Police Lieutenant Joe Tersak says public safety must prevent gridlock downtown because officers must be able to quickly and easily move around the Golden Triangle to respond to any situation.

See the full transportation safety plan at www.g20safety.org

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