Thursday, September 24, 2009

Global Unions Issue "Pittsburgh Declaration" - Call for Job Creation

The International Trade Union Confederation issued a “Pittsburgh Declaration” today, insisting that the G20 Summit must be a jobs summit. AFL CIO President Richard Trumka and President Emeritus John Sweeney laid out what they want from the economic leaders. Trumka grew up in southwestern Pennsylvania and began his career in the coalmines and he says that just like the energy barons that ripped off laborers then, the bankers on Wall Street have cashed in at the expense of workers today. Sweeney says that despite the murmurs of signs of “green shoots” in the economy, 60 million workers worldwide have yet to see any sign of improvement.

The Pittsburgh Declaration includes a number of demands, including setting up a meeting of labor ministers from the G20 with a specific focus on reforming the markets; ensuring banking regulatory reforms not be put on the back burner; giving developing nations a greater voice at the International Monetary Fund; and making sure global economies are fair and balanced so there isn’t a repeat of this devastating global crisis. A delegation from the ITUC will meet with President Obama later today to discuss their concerns.

The Pittsburgh Declaration can be found HERE.

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