Wednesday, September 23, 2009

9 Protesters Arrested for Hanging Sign From West End Bridge

Several members of the environmental group Greenpeace this morning unfurled a banner from the West End Bridge warning of the dangers to the planet's climate from carbon dioxide emissions. Four of the activists were dangling over the Ohio River. Pittsburgh Police Assistant Chief William Bochter says officers talked to the protesters to convince them to return to the bridge deck. The activists did climb back up and are safe according to a spokesman for the group. Bochter says 9 members of group were arrested and will be charged with various misdemeanors. One is also being charged with conspiracy.
Greenpeace's global warming campaign director Damon Moglen says world leaders meeting at the G20 must act. "They must put money on the table to support developing countries. It is critical for G20 leaders to agree to kick-start economic recovery through clean energy investment."
President Barack Obama told a Climate Summit at the U.N. that the U.S. is "a serious partner in the fight against global warming."

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