Friday, September 25, 2009

Unusual Morning in Downtown Pittsburgh

A typical workday downtown is normally overflowing with with pedestrians and traffic during morning rush hour. Today, however, as a result of the road and business closures during the G20 Summit being held at the convention center, there's an unusual, desolate mood to the city. Some groups of pedestrians walk through town, some workers and others curious passersby, dodging police barricades and tents.

On Smithfield Street, Sbarro business owner Angelo Parente decided to remain open, and says he doesn't regret doing that even if he's losing business. Parente explains everything being closed and boarded up leaves a bad impression on the visitors that are here.

Continuing down to Liberty Avenue to a more heavily guarded area, different groups of protesters stand on the sidewalk to bring about their specific messages.

Standing at the corner of Seventh and Liberty, a man from Miami Beach has several cardboard signs leaned against him. His name is Bob Kunst, and he's president of the group Shalom International. He made his way to Pittsburgh from New York City, where he was protesting at the United Nations gathering earlier this week.

Kunst wants the international leaders to shed more light to the nuclear arms issue in Iran. He calls the G20 a "dog and pony show" that doesn't discuss the important issues that threaten peoples' lives.

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