Thursday, October 1, 2009

7.5% of Pittsburgh Public School Students Sent Home

Pittsburgh Public School District officials say 2,100 of their 28,000 students did not have the needed vaccinations to stay in school today. Immunization rates varied among other districts in the county. As the students arrived this morning those that had not received the proper shots or whose parents had not opted them out of the requirement were sent to a room in each building and kept their until their parents arrived to retrieve them. District Spokesperson Ebony Pew says they expect the number of students turned away from class to be much smaller tomorrow. She says they have been told many of their students are showing up at the county's free vaccination clinics today.

In the Penn Hills School District 228 students were not in compliance with the state immunization law and had to be sent home. The district has 4,552 students. A spokesperson for the district says 8 notices have been sent home since February of 2008

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