Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Activists Wants Bonusgate Action

A good government activist says now that 1,000 days have passed since allegations of taxpayer-funded bonuses for campaign work first surfaced, Attorney General Tom Corbett needs to announce a second round of indictments, or risk losing credibility. The long-running investigation of state lawmakers has yielded 12 indictments so far. Attorney General Tom Corbett, a Republican who's running for governor, has said the next round of charges will be "stunning," and will make critics of his investigation "eat their words." Speaking in the Capitol rotunda, activist Gene Stilp said Corbett needs to make good on his promise, “Where are the new indictments? The trials won't start until January, amazingly. He has to indict this week to prove to the people of Pennsylvania that he's worth his salt.” Stilp also called on Corbett to step down as Attorney General while he runs for governor, in order to avoid the appearance of political calculations factoring into the investigation. Corbett spokesman Kevin Harley refutes both arguments, saying the next round of indictments won't be rushed due to an artificial timeline. He says charges will only be brought if and when a grand jury issues recommendations to the Attorney General.

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