Friday, October 2, 2009

CCAC Changes Rules on Flyer Distribution

The Community College of Allegheny County has changed a policy that was used to prevent a student from handing out flyers looking for students interested in forming an organization. The flyers were distributed by Christine Brashier who wanted to form a local chapter of the national organization “Students for Concealed Carry on Campus.” The school said it was in violation of its solicitation rules and later said it was a violation of the rules because it appeared to link the college with the organization in a way that made it appear the school was endorsing the group. Brashier claimed it was a violation of her first amendment rights and was quickly backed by The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and the American Civil Liberties Union. CCAC struck the following language from its rules; "Solicitation: The distribution or display of, and the personal contact with individuals or groups related to non-sponsored college material or events, without prior written approval of the college are prohibited. These actions are limited to public property; however, public property in this context does not include college property." CCAC Spokesperson Ryan Alexander says the goal was to eliminate the ambiguity in the rules. He says, "The original procedure was developed to protect students from solicitation. In light of recent developments, the procedure was somewhat ambiguous and it was removed." The school’s policy on distributing materials on campus is still being reviewed.

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