Monday, October 12, 2009

Census Study Completed

The Pew Charitable Trust has completed a study on the preparations that Philadelphia is taking for the upcoming 2010 census. In completing the study Pittsburgh's preparations were examined and compared with Philadelphia's along with 9 other Cities across the country. The report found that nearly all of the cities in the report are conducting awareness campaigns with no money from local budgets, forcing them to rely on the help on non profit and volunteer organizations. The study concluded that Pittsburgh is doing all that it can at this point and is in good shape for the upcoming census. Some responsibilities of preparing for the census include preparing traditionally under counted communities like African American, Hispanic and low income families. The study also found that Pittsburgh was the only city of the 11 that were studied to have been over counted in the 2000 census. Normally, some groups are under counted and some are over counted because they either did not receive a census or have multiple addresses and completed multiple forms.

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