Monday, October 5, 2009

Green Table Used at Phipps G20 Dinner

The “green” and “sustainable” themes that ran through the G20 went right down to the table the attendees ate on during their working diner at the Phipps. The table, which is on display through the end of the week, was built in Pittsburgh from trees harvested from Riverview Park. The Red Oak, Pin Oak and London Planetree trees were cut down in 2008 when they were diagnosed with root rot. Some of the trees were nearly 100-years old. Pittsburgh’s Urban Tree Forge saved the wood and built the table. One tree was used to create 12 slabs that were used as tabletops. The tables were arranged in a “u” shape for the dinner but if placed end to end they measure a total of 102 feet. Phipps Executive director Richard Piacentini says one side of each table features the irregular bark line. He says when you look at the tables you can imagine the grandeur of the tree that once measured more than 40 feet in diameter. The tables were finished with a green certified low VOC lacquer. John Metzler is the president of Urban Tree Forge and designed the table. After it is taken down this week the Phipps will put the tables in storage and use them for board meetings and other events. Piacentini says it was great to not have tables shipped in from out of town and to know that the wood was grown and processed locally.

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