Thursday, October 1, 2009

Immunization Rates Vary in School Districts

Numbers for the Pittsburgh Public School District are not yet available but suburban districts are starting to report this morning the number of children that came to school without the proper immunizations. State law says that all students must have the proper vaccinations to attend school and districts countywide began enforcing that law today. In districts like North Allegheny and West Mifflin, administrators are reporting that no students had to be sent home. In contrast, the Duquesne City School District says 135 of it 437 students were sent down to the auditorium this morning where they were awaiting pickup by their parents. School District spokesperson Sarah McCluan says they sent home 4 rounds of letters, made one phone call and even had the Ronald McDonald House trailer at the school nearly every Wednesday this school year offering shots. As parents picked up their children today they were given information about the state law, the importance of immunizations and a list of places they can get their children immunized or free. McCluan says 7 students turned in their paperwork this morning and she thinks now that parents have seen the impact of the law the number of children sent home will drop quickly.

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