Monday, October 19, 2009

Kraus Releases Report On South Side

City Councilman Bruce Kraus has released a study completed by a 19 year old summer intern from his office. The report analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the South Side neighborhood and where bridges can be built to strengthen the ties between the day and night time businesses. The report recommends that Friday and Saturday nights be treated as special events much like Steeler home games are treated on the north shore with traffic changes, on duty magistrates and police tasked with specific enforcement goals. The report also recommends forming a responsible hospitality initiative which would bring together, local businesses, community groups, universities and residents to work cooperatively to craft community wide goals. One aspect of the plan would be targeted enforcement. The plan recommends collecting data from DUI arrests that include where someone had their last drink so that information can be collected and if a pattern is seen problem bars can be closed.

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