Monday, October 5, 2009

Legislature May Have a Budget Deal Again

Pennsylvania Senate Republicans have put together a new budget package, and leaders from both parties say they can agree on its framework. However, the legislation’s path to Governor Rendell’s desk is still unclear. At a news conference held this afternoon by the State House Democrats Appropriations Chair Dwight Evans sent some confusing messages. “We feel we do have a deal, and we feel we have a deal in this respect—we believe that the substance is there. But we don’t have a deal. Not in that sense.” A Senate committee has approved a package of bills that builds a $27.834 billion dollar budget plan. It doesn’t include taxes on natural gas drilling, smokeless tobacco, arts performances or small games of chance. All four were sticking points for Republicans. House Democrats say a conference committee could work out the minor wrinkles within a day, but Senate Republicans say they are tired of the joint sessions. The Senate is expected to vote on the bills Tuesday.

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